The SantaCraft Train Update is Here!

With the holiday season fast approaching, get ready to ride the rails in SantaCraft! New quests, new quest types, new characters, new buildings, and yes, trains you can ride!

We were so pleased so many of you were able to rescue your reindeer and save Christmas last year. With the one-year anniversary of the launch of SantaCraft approaching, we thought it was time to add even more fun stuff to the game!

Build train stations and train tracks, then hop on and ride a train around your island! Talk to new characters, and complete new quests (and quest types), including new things to do after you finish the main story.

Whether you're revisiting your island from last year, or starting a new adventure this year, there's lots of holiday-themed fun to be had (and yes, there are even more puns...)

Happy Holidays!

Owen & Matt
(aka Milkbag Games)

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